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Realm: Mistblade Mistblade vol.2 feedback & ideas.

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I love almost everything about early mb1, other than slightly annoying release schedule, Stormforge team did a great job.

A small QoL suggestion tho, many spellcasters in t14 go for healer ring from Protectors of the Endless, since there is just one int dps ring dropping from t14 raids, and this healer ring is statistically better than lower ilvl dps rings (from rhcs for example). I would love to see an addition of a separate new int dps ring with t14 values - let's say upgradable 502ilvl ring that drops only on hc diff. This could also motivate nm players to jump into hc raiding.

Also lower cost of weekly bonus rolls quest in t14 would be nice.

Edited by Grogs
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I do read all your posts and I am more than happy with your feedback.

It's gonna be essential for Mb2!

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  On 10/1/2023 at 6:25 PM, Hypnotik said:

And what happen will happen to chars we have atm in mop, when fresh realm comes?


They will not be deleted.

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  1. What did you love most about the first season? - Have to admit, I'm happy of how much is working, didn't found any serious bug on my path, and didn't encounter any major crashes or lags.
  2. What do you feel could be improved or changed? - Leveling up is WAY too fast, you literally can skip more than half of the game if you just normally do instances. If I had a chance to lower my exp rate even more, it would definitely improve the journey. 
  3. What felt missing? - The only thing I felt that would improve my play in the server is providing us with the ability to lower the exp rate even more than 1. Way to much content is just skipped.
  4. Any specific suggestions or ideas? - Again, the only thing I would ask for is to provide exp rate lower than 1. 
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Been playing the actual mop server and even tho it feels empty now I gotta say its really well scripted. Cant wait for fresh start and wish you guys all the best!

Heres my 2 cents:

Crossfaction arena

3v3 events to push arena participation

Spectator mode with match ID

Flight nodes unlocked every key levels


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  On 10/2/2023 at 9:26 PM, Tiamek said:

Is Mistblade 2 a separate server? I don't see how else you'd reset each character's quest completions, achievement progress, gear.


It's a separate server. Existing characters will remain exactly where they are and their progress will not be touched.


The new server will be blank; no characters ported over, no achievements, account-wide unlocks or shop purchases carried over.

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  1. What did you love most about the first season? - The server was pretty smooth.
  2. What do you feel could be improved or changed? - Maybe less time between patches.
  3. What felt missing? - Weekend events like "double exp/rep ratings."
  4. Any specific suggestions or ideas? - I would like to suggest two things: a South America proxy (Brazil especially) and maybe a 300% movement speed when it's a ghost.
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  On 10/3/2023 at 2:33 PM, EthanHunt said:



I would need a github report for that.

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  On 10/6/2023 at 1:24 AM, Juhboodles said:

so when you say this, will they have like, tiers higher gear than if people were to start fresh? or are all the raids and stuff available at launch?


Huh? No.

Mistblade will stay as it is.

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  On 10/6/2023 at 10:02 AM, Gruby said:

I want to start fresh mop server and can't wait to realease v2, actually u have a date of release?


I do have it.

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Some have been asking for quicker patches. I disagree. The system of collecting sigils for The Black Prince is difficult enough for mid-progress players to catch up. I joined during ToT and got my legendary cloak a month after SoO release.

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  On 10/7/2023 at 12:40 AM, Tiamek said:

Some have been asking for quicker patches. I disagree. The system of collecting sigils for The Black Prince is difficult enough for mid-progress players to catch up. I joined during ToT and got my legendary cloak a month after SoO release.


You probably joined in last few months of ToT, because it lasted for 8 months and we literally had nothing to do for around 4 months after getting full bis.

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  On 10/7/2023 at 5:08 AM, Homeostasis said:

You probably joined in last few months of ToT, because it lasted for 8 months and we literally had nothing to do for around 4 months after getting full bis.


The only solution is to change the drop-rate for Sigils, Secrets, and Titan Runestones to keep up with progression pace.

Otherwise, I don't think an entire server should revolve around the 1% of people who are doing 25-heroic.

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  On 10/6/2023 at 2:02 PM, Somedude said:

a launcher would be nice 🙂

and a date of release 🙂


We have plan to release launcher in the future, no ETA for now.

Date announcement REAAAAALLY SOON.

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Cross-faction PvE would allow Alliance to get in on the action.

LFR usually has 10 people AFK or auto-attacking, alt-tabbed to 2nd accounts, and anyone who criticizes the owners of these AFK/Bot accounts gets vote-kicked from raids so please do something about this.

And if you're going to force us to "police ourselves" with ninja-looting, then can you at least make that possible?

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