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Realm: Netherwing BGs queing algorithmn in cross faction

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Just got the idea, that it could be interesting , that the BG queue algorithmn would try to put the people into the faction team by trying to archive closer to equal Team gearscore ,...
so instead having

8x3500 gearscore + 2x2000 = 32000 gearscore in Horde
8x2000 gearscore + 2x3500 = 23000 gearscore in Alliance

= 55000 gearscore alltogether,

it should switch people in teams to archive in both sides a gearscore closer to 27000,..

Something like that ,...I think that would be more interesting 

at least that should count for all people who solo qeue up ,...if it a team premade full 10 people, then doesnt matter,..but if its a mini premade (1 team 5 people queue up) then still it at least should try to even out the differences as much as possible 


besiide that, after playing 4 hours and losing all(!) bgs in a row (no matter what faction) , I am pretty much sure that crossfaction algo is not good.....before you simply waited a couple hours until better / other players were doing bgs in your faction, now you must hope that the roll(!) doesnt send you in the losing team,....also it seems even more unorganized as permanently switching, people dont get a feeling for each other to function together 

All in all, cross faction bgs feel horrible to me , big loss in quality of matches while I dont feel that the queing time changed either to the better or worse,
its same, just a lot less fun 



Edited by Hemoride
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