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Realm: Netherwing Issue when logging into game

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Copy paste from discord


Patch download:



1) Locate your 3.3.5a WoW Folder

2) Change your realmlist.wtf file in /data/enUS to "set realmlist logon.stormforge.gg" (without quotes)

3) Delete patch-F.mpq in your /WoW/Data if you have it.

4) Copy sf-assets.MPQ and sf-interface.MPQ to your /WoW/Data (NOT data/enUS!) folder. If you've done it correctly, your login screen should change when you launch the game.

5) Backup your WoW.exe

6) Copy version.dll and Wow.exe to your wow folder

7) Play!


If you want to go back to default 3.3.5a, replace the exe back to the previous, one and delete patch-S.mpq (or remove the .mpq extension).

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