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Burning Crusade Server is Pro Alliance? Can we discuss this please?

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I noticed that this server is extremly pro alliance. 

1: They dont pay any repair cost.

2: When you start an alliance char you have all flight paths unlocked.

3: They have all the racial benefits that horde has. (Just look in Arena and BG to notice that 80% is horde characters due to racial skill swap).

4: Horde has 75% bots or chinese afk players in BG. Alliance winning 80 out of 100 games.

5: Alliance has only 1 minute rez sickness and no damage.

6: Dual talent cost 200g on Horde, is FREE for Alliance.

7: Respec is free of charge for Alliance.

And i am sure i forgot some other issues. 

Can you tell me which advantage horde has really? Cause i feel this game is EXTREMLY unbalanced. Allinace favored 500%.

Why is this game made so unbalanced? Are we either forced to join alliance in order to have same benefits? I choose horde cause some racial looks and racial skills. Now to see an alliance druid with the horde racials is just sad. Then also they have no repair bills, no rez sickness, free dual talents, free respecs...etc etc etc... WTF?


Do you mind opening a fresh server without all this nonsense? Did you know its extremly easy to create a balanced server? 1: Allow only 1 account per player. 2. Allow only 1 faction per account (just like it was on retail back in the day. 3. Stop allow players creating a char from either alliance or horde when a certain treshold is reached. 4. Do not allow racial swaps. 5. Make sure both sides have the same benefits (no talent cost, no respec cost, no rezsickness) in order to really keep it balanced. 6. perm ban bots, afk farmers, and hackers by IP Adress.

I promise you will have the best server in 2024/2025 PERIOD.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with you 100%.  As a professional game developer, I opine that these alliance privileges AT THE EXPENSE OF THE OTHER FACTION are a travesty and a cop-out way to fix the inherent fact that Alliance is such an unpopular faction that it could not last 1 month without these modifications.  It also goes completely out of the original design of the game.

Edited by shk
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yeah alot ppl cry about this but as always onall server horde have 90% pop and almost 0 for allies, so ofc alliance will have all privileges if you love horde too much go play hard mode. if want fun create alliance char

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/22/2024 at 12:14 PM, shk said:

I agree with you 100%.  As a professional game developer, I opine that these alliance privileges AT THE EXPENSE OF THE OTHER FACTION are a travesty and a cop-out way to fix the inherent fact that Alliance is such an unpopular faction that it could not last 1 month without these modifications.  It also goes completely out of the original design of the game.

At what expense to the other faction?

Of course they have to deviate from the original design of the game.  They do not have 12 million+ players to distribute between realms.  The smaller the playerbase the more prolific and problematic the faction imbalance becomes.  That's not to even mention all the other deviations they have made to improve the game and debug issues that Blizzard never even addressed.

If incentivising to get players to join alliance and aleviate the imbalance is a cop-out and a travesty, what would you do to guarantee faction balance and stay inline with original TBC?  If you have suggestions that could improve the game and maintain balance, I'm sure the admins and devs would happily listen.

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

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