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Realm: Netherwing Aldor rep turnin quests not working

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This means you did not do the escort quest to select a faction. Speak with Haggard War Veteran in Shattrath (he is at the north bridge), he will give you the quest A'dal, which starts the chain into the escort and then to choose an allegiance.

GM Pelto

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Hola hace un tiempo borre un personaje level 90 paladín llamado Mirrorjustic ese pj estaba en mistblade 1, quisiera saber si hay alguna forma de recuperarlo ya q me arrepenti, por favor quisiera saber si podrían responder y darme alguna solución, o simplemente saber si ya se perdió para siempre..

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Hello, a while ago I deleted a level 90 paladin character called Mirrorjustic that character was in mistblade 1, I would like to know if there is any way to recover it since I regretted it, please I would like to know if you could respond and give me a solution, or simply know if it is already lost forever... I don't speak English and I'm just using a translator, please solve this doubt for me

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