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Mists of Pandaria Big pack of suggestion by Dtx and other players.

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- Add Horde PvP perks: 50% increased Honor Gains, 25% increased Conquest Gains. Horde is 50% of the total server population and it is completely out of PvP right now, there are only 2 PvP guilds – semi-dead Devastation and low population “whatever”.
As I am writing this, 28.02.2024, 02:34 AM GMT+5, Stormforge website shows 1874 players online and 52% of them are Horde.  That is 975 players. Let’s say 4 of them are “whatever” members, 15 are Devastation members. That is 956 players, let’s say 30% of them – 286 players, would like to get into PvP but they cannot because: Horde is a PvE faction and they don’t know about .bg faction command, they will only get Horde queues with 90% of teammates being PvE players who have no idea on what’s going on, nor PvP gear to dismiss the 1st point.  They’ll play 1-3 BGs and quit, never to be seen again.  286 players have just fell out of PvP, that is potentially 143 2v2 arena teams, 95.3 3v3 arena teams, 9.5 full Arathi Basin(30 man) groups. This is A LOT and it can’t be ignored. Horde needs PvP perks and we need to attract Horde players into PvP. Losing 288 players is just not something server’s PvP scene can afford right now. Stormforge PvP Discord is full of messages like “pvp dead”, “server bad” e.t.c. We can’t use magic and summon 286 passionate PvP players out of thin air, we need to work on attracting existing ones.

- Add Forced Mercenary Mode on Random Battlegrounds without ability to turn it off.  This comes out of previous point and it is actually just a must-have thing on servers with low population/faction unbalance of PvP players. It should not hurt server in any way and will make things more balanced. Yes, it will reduce fun for Alliance players who queue in 5 man premades to stomp and chill, but it will lead to a much better PvP environment overall, especially for new players/PvE players who are just now getting into PvP.

- Limit number of players able to join Random Battlegrounds in a premade group to 3 people. 3 is enough, it’s either 2 healers with 1 DPS or 2 DPS with 1 healer, maybe 3 DPS/3 Healer group. 5 man premades make BGs not fun and scare off new players, tilting veterans from gearing their alts and lead to overall bad Random Battlegrounds environment.
If it is possible, leave 5 man premades but only allow them to get a proc if another 5 man premade is in queue.
Fatigue of playing versus 5 man premades have been voiced out many times in Stormforge PvP Discord. As I will suggest further, HK Ladder should become a much bigger thing and 5 man premades will ruin it.

- Change Conquest Cap to be 7000 Day 1 of the season and increase for 3500 every week past that. Not for characters created after season start or something, just straight up CP Cap = 7000 for everyone, increase for 3500 for everyone. Most PvP players are 5+ years of experience, they are bored out of their mind grinding the gear all over again only to be able to compete. The game is balanced around people having full CP gear, it’s absolutely not balanced around gearing players.
PvP endgame is competition and timegating it is that worst thing you can do. It’s not Legion where you have stat template for each class and you can kill players in instanced PvP while having 100 ilvl gap between eachother.
Gear progression in MOP PvP is an outdated system that should be minimized and left as a side thing, not as a main thing.
There is also one pretty important point to it: alts. When making an alt on Stormforge Mistblade 2 you need to: grind your way to level 90, buy Contender Gear that makes 0 difference with having no gear at all, grind you Honor gear, than start grinding your CP gear. Only after you’ve completed multiple stages of grinding you can finally start competing in PvP.
It’s boring, exhausting and meaningless, I’ll say it with simple, average player’s words: “bro im CBA doing this sh*t all over again ima go play some other game cya”.
Good, we just lost a player to an outdated system that is forced upon us by Blizzard. Not cool.

- Introduce PvP Quests with unique rewards. Here are some examples I’ve came up with AND gathered in discussions with Real Players who play on this server on a daily basis:
 - Daily/Weekly quest to convert Lesser/Elder Charms Of Good Fortune to Conquest Points. Probably should be done on 1:2 ratio. This will 100% attract PvE players, mainly Horde. These Charms are useless at this point in time and they need to be used somehow. Some PvP players take time off BG/Arena spam to farm mats for professions and it’s good if they can turn useless currency they get from mobs around Pandaria into the one they actually use for their main activity. To balance it out make it so you can only convert like 500 CP/week, people should not get PvP gear from Golden Lotus rep grind.

 - Daily/Weekly quest to win 25 2v2 arena games. Not much to say about this one, we already have 1v1 and 3v3 quest, why not add a quest for 2v2 with same rewards?

- Add 3v3 Solo Queue to 3v3 arena quest. Again, not much to say about it, game mode is pretty much dead while there is actually a quest for exact same game mode, why not combine them? Solo players can complete it in 3v3 Solo, those with teams can complete it as they did before.

- Completely rework rewards for 1v1, 3v3 and possible 2v2 quests. Instead of a mount/pet lootbox make it Bind On Account Honor or CP token, 2000 Honor/700 CP, 25-50% decreased for 1v1 quest. Current rewards are honestly just bad, getting random mounts that people farm for years is not fun, getting pets is just meh and not worth it. PvP players use mounts to fly to Wall Vendors 17 times per season and to get to Elwynn/Durotar dueling zones, that’s it. We don’t need that.
PvP quests must have PvP rewards.

 - Progressive Monthly quest for 10/20/30/50 – 110 total 3v3 arena wins with epic lootbox on last quest that contains 5-7 pieces of Elite PvP gear from past expansions and 0.1% chance of extra drop of past expansions Gladiator Mount and/or WotLK Gladiator’s Tabard. Rewards on 10/20/30 wins are to be discussed, probably should be big BoA CP Token, like 800/1200/1600.

- Daily Random BG quest for 3 wins with Personal Buff reward that has 2 Hours duration and persists on death, giving 50% increased Honor AND 25% increased CP gains. So you win 3 BGs and get this buff to keep you engaged, pretty simple and fun, speeds up gearing process for alts. Should have full synergy with aforementioned BoA HP/CP tokens.

- Increase CP gains for 1v1 arena wins, battles can go up to 15 minutes and getting 10 CP for that is a joke. Many people play 1 game, laugh at the reward and never queue again. Make it at least 50CP/win.

- Make a good use of Honorable Kills ladder. Reset it every season and give some sort of rewards for rankings. As a reward I can offer: Vicious Saddle mounts, but there are only 2 in the game, so this is up to debate.
RBG Titles as rewards with Grand Marshal/High Warlord remaining forever and all other titles resetting after season’s end.

Private/Scout 2000 honorable kills
Corporal/Grunt 3500 honorable kills
Sergeant/Sergeant 5000 honorable kills
Master Sergeant/Senior Sergeant 7500 honorable kills
Sergeant Major/First Sergeant - 9000 honorable kills
Knight/Stone Guard 11000 honorable kills
Knight-Lieutenant/Blood Guard 15000 honorable kills
Knight-Captain/Legionnaire 20000 honorable kills
Knight-Champion/Centurion 25000 honorable kills
Lieutenant Commander/Champion 30000 honorable kills
Commander/Lieutenant General 35000 honorable kills
Marshal/General 40000 honorable kills
Field Marshal/Warlord 45000 honorable kills
Grand Marshal/High Warlord 60000 honorable kills

As Honorable Kills can be earned anywhere, not just on Battlegrounds, this will also bring back World PvP.
Arena enjoyers already have a passive HK gains while playing any brackets, it will maybe grant them an extra title when the season ends.

I would like to answer in advance on one of the main complaints about most of my suggestions: wintrading.
Yes, people wintrade. Yes, they will wintrade no matter what, even if 30 day/perma ban will be introduced. Yes, there are few if none at all things that can be done to stop them.
But! We cannot allow them to stop this server from thriving, improving and introducing cool new things. Wintraders are always lowest tier players who cannot get any rewards in fair game, they do not benefit from wintraded gear since they are bad at the game and can’t really use unfairly gained power.
When writing these suggestions, gathering other players’ suggestions and discussing them my one and only goal is to improve the environment and attract more players into Stormforge Mistblade PvP scene.

I urge every single person reading this to embrace my mindset and share their own realistic suggestions that benefit everyone, give reasonable and rational critique to my suggestions and pursuit the common goal of making our lovely Stormforge a better place for everyone.

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The quest for random bgs would be great. I don't think 3v3 or 1v1 quests need any change, rewards are fine to me, as pvp player I'm not making any gold at all so every 1k is helpful lol. Quest for rated bgs would be nice though, might actually revive rbgs which would be awesome. I don't like the idea of premades with 3 people only, I know it might be hurtful to some players but still, let people play with their friends, noone is forbidding anyone to find their group of friends and make premade themselves. Being horde is not an excuse here since you can do premade consisted of both factions. It's player's choice that they play alone. I'm not sure about titles thing, kinda unnecessary if you ask me and makes the titles have totally no meaning then. I like the idea of progressive pvp quest and 2v2 quest, would be nice and maybe stop players to play only to cap.  Conquest cap is a MUST HAVE. If we won't get weapon requirement removed at least let us make conquest for it faster but I guess this issue should faint with new season coming which I believe will be relatively soon. Good job on doing all that work, I hope your work will be appreciated by the devs

Edited by Vismir
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Really nice ideas bro,even if the devs deside to added few of them,that will have huge impact. I kinda wanted to add the

Solo RBGs que -will seperate the chilling and fun game Normal BGs (without geting farmed by geared people) from more instense and competitive Rated BGs (for people that want more ranks,achievments,strategy/tactic playing and a bit more of a challenge while playing)

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Implementing changes to levelling and gearing would likely attract players. 
Levelling shouldn’t take more than 10 hours to go 1-90. 

Also being able to purchase with gold a gear that scales above the Honor gear and below the CP gear will be good. 

So newcomers can level up quickly and be able to purchase a gear which will allow them to compete. People that want alts would also benefit a lot

Edited by Alexandur11
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Big thanks to everyone replying in this thread, i would like to correct some of my suggestions.

- Win 3 Random BGs quest should only give +10 or +25% Increased Honor Buff that persist through death and has 2 hours duration. Increased CP rate is too much. This will keep players engaged and make gearing alts not an extremely tilting process. Winning 3 BGs on a fresh alt is a miracle and getting that sweet buff will greatly increase the probability of player not logging off while smashing their PC.

- 3v3 quest MUST be doable in 3v3 Solo Queue. It's the only way to revive this bracket, i honestly see no other solutions and from what i've understood after discussing it with other players they see no other options as well.

- 7000 CP Cap Day-1 of the season is too much. Maybe 3500 is good enough to buy weapon set and that's it. Season 13 is going to be pretty long and making big cap that increases every week is too much.

- I disagree with Vismir on titles becoming meaningless since Honorable Kills ladder will reset every season. Random BG enjoyers deserve their equivalent of seasonal Arena Titles like Challenger, Rival e.t.c. RBGs are dead anyways so moving RBG titles to Honorable Kills ladder will not harm anyone.

- Limiting number of players in premade queues is still debatable in my opinion, i suggest everyone who is strongly against it to level up an alt and try to get full Honor Gear without spamming mindnumbing Random Heroic Dungeons. 

- No matter the duration of next season, i still strongly suggest increasing CP rewards for 1v1 arena. It doesn't matter if the bracket is serious or not, if there is a ladder or not, if people will wintrade or not. 10 CP/Win for 10+ minute games is too low, it only tilts players out of queue and feels like a sarcastic joke to those enjoying 1v1 Arenas. 50 CP/Win is fair enough. Maybe start encouraging players who report wintraders.

- I also agree with statement that faction is a player choice, but playing Horde in PvP is just sad at this point in time. Yes, Random BGs can be played with crossfaction and with Alliance premades, but what about arena? Crossfaction arena was deemed impossible by devs, i don't know if it's possible even on Retail, at least on Shadowlands it was not. Since it's impossible Horde deserves a bit lower barrier to entry for PvP and increased Honor and maaaybe increased CP rates should do the trick.

More ideas to be discussed and added, please voice out any of your realistic and fun suggestions that will benefit EVERYONE on the server.
We are the driving force of this server and it's up to us to improve the environment on it.

Edited by jamming88


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I have already thanked @jamming88 for his effort.

I am not going to promise that everything can be introduced, but we'll think about every single one. I'll update here if I know anything.

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On 2/28/2024 at 7:39 PM, jamming88 said:

- Add Horde PvP perks: 50% increased Honor Gains, 25% increased Conquest Gains. Horde is 50% of the total server population and it is completely out of PvP right now, there are only 2 PvP guilds – semi-dead Devastation and low population “whatever”.
As I am writing this, 28.02.2024, 02:34 AM GMT+5, Stormforge website shows 1874 players online and 52% of them are Horde.  That is 975 players. Let’s say 4 of them are “whatever” members, 15 are Devastation members. That is 956 players, let’s say 30% of them – 286 players, would like to get into PvP but they cannot because: Horde is a PvE faction and they don’t know about .bg faction command, they will only get Horde queues with 90% of teammates being PvE players who have no idea on what’s going on, nor PvP gear to dismiss the 1st point.  They’ll play 1-3 BGs and quit, never to be seen again.  286 players have just fell out of PvP, that is potentially 143 2v2 arena teams, 95.3 3v3 arena teams, 9.5 full Arathi Basin(30 man) groups. This is A LOT and it can’t be ignored. Horde needs PvP perks and we need to attract Horde players into PvP. Losing 288 players is just not something server’s PvP scene can afford right now. Stormforge PvP Discord is full of messages like “pvp dead”, “server bad” e.t.c. We can’t use magic and summon 286 passionate PvP players out of thin air, we need to work on attracting existing ones.

- Add Forced Mercenary Mode on Random Battlegrounds without ability to turn it off.  This comes out of previous point and it is actually just a must-have thing on servers with low population/faction unbalance of PvP players. It should not hurt server in any way and will make things more balanced. Yes, it will reduce fun for Alliance players who queue in 5 man premades to stomp and chill, but it will lead to a much better PvP environment overall, especially for new players/PvE players who are just now getting into PvP.

- Limit number of players able to join Random Battlegrounds in a premade group to 3 people. 3 is enough, it’s either 2 healers with 1 DPS or 2 DPS with 1 healer, maybe 3 DPS/3 Healer group. 5 man premades make BGs not fun and scare off new players, tilting veterans from gearing their alts and lead to overall bad Random Battlegrounds environment.
If it is possible, leave 5 man premades but only allow them to get a proc if another 5 man premade is in queue.
Fatigue of playing versus 5 man premades have been voiced out many times in Stormforge PvP Discord. As I will suggest further, HK Ladder should become a much bigger thing and 5 man premades will ruin it.

- Change Conquest Cap to be 7000 Day 1 of the season and increase for 3500 every week past that. Not for characters created after season start or something, just straight up CP Cap = 7000 for everyone, increase for 3500 for everyone. Most PvP players are 5+ years of experience, they are bored out of their mind grinding the gear all over again only to be able to compete. The game is balanced around people having full CP gear, it’s absolutely not balanced around gearing players.
PvP endgame is competition and timegating it is that worst thing you can do. It’s not Legion where you have stat template for each class and you can kill players in instanced PvP while having 100 ilvl gap between eachother.
Gear progression in MOP PvP is an outdated system that should be minimized and left as a side thing, not as a main thing.
There is also one pretty important point to it: alts. When making an alt on Stormforge Mistblade 2 you need to: grind your way to level 90, buy Contender Gear that makes 0 difference with having no gear at all, grind you Honor gear, than start grinding your CP gear. Only after you’ve completed multiple stages of grinding you can finally start competing in PvP.
It’s boring, exhausting and meaningless, I’ll say it with simple, average player’s words: “bro im CBA doing this sh*t all over again ima go play some other game cya”.
Good, we just lost a player to an outdated system that is forced upon us by Blizzard. Not cool.

- Introduce PvP Quests with unique rewards. Here are some examples I’ve came up with AND gathered in discussions with Real Players who play on this server on a daily basis:
 - Daily/Weekly quest to convert Lesser/Elder Charms Of Good Fortune to Conquest Points. Probably should be done on 1:2 ratio. This will 100% attract PvE players, mainly Horde. These Charms are useless at this point in time and they need to be used somehow. Some PvP players take time off BG/Arena spam to farm mats for professions and it’s good if they can turn useless currency they get from mobs around Pandaria into the one they actually use for their main activity. To balance it out make it so you can only convert like 500 CP/week, people should not get PvP gear from Golden Lotus rep grind.

 - Daily/Weekly quest to win 25 2v2 arena games. Not much to say about this one, we already have 1v1 and 3v3 quest, why not add a quest for 2v2 with same rewards?

- Add 3v3 Solo Queue to 3v3 arena quest. Again, not much to say about it, game mode is pretty much dead while there is actually a quest for exact same game mode, why not combine them? Solo players can complete it in 3v3 Solo, those with teams can complete it as they did before.

- Completely rework rewards for 1v1, 3v3 and possible 2v2 quests. Instead of a mount/pet lootbox make it Bind On Account Honor or CP token, 2000 Honor/700 CP, 25-50% decreased for 1v1 quest. Current rewards are honestly just bad, getting random mounts that people farm for years is not fun, getting pets is just meh and not worth it. PvP players use mounts to fly to Wall Vendors 17 times per season and to get to Elwynn/Durotar dueling zones, that’s it. We don’t need that.
PvP quests must have PvP rewards.

 - Progressive Monthly quest for 10/20/30/50 – 110 total 3v3 arena wins with epic lootbox on last quest that contains 5-7 pieces of Elite PvP gear from past expansions and 0.1% chance of extra drop of past expansions Gladiator Mount and/or WotLK Gladiator’s Tabard. Rewards on 10/20/30 wins are to be discussed, probably should be big BoA CP Token, like 800/1200/1600.

- Daily Random BG quest for 3 wins with Personal Buff reward that has 2 Hours duration and persists on death, giving 50% increased Honor AND 25% increased CP gains. So you win 3 BGs and get this buff to keep you engaged, pretty simple and fun, speeds up gearing process for alts. Should have full synergy with aforementioned BoA HP/CP tokens.

- Increase CP gains for 1v1 arena wins, battles can go up to 15 minutes and getting 10 CP for that is a joke. Many people play 1 game, laugh at the reward and never queue again. Make it at least 50CP/win.

- Make a good use of Honorable Kills ladder. Reset it every season and give some sort of rewards for rankings. As a reward I can offer: Vicious Saddle mounts, but there are only 2 in the game, so this is up to debate.
RBG Titles as rewards with Grand Marshal/High Warlord remaining forever and all other titles resetting after season’s end.

Private/Scout 2000 honorable kills
Corporal/Grunt 3500 honorable kills
Sergeant/Sergeant 5000 honorable kills
Master Sergeant/Senior Sergeant 7500 honorable kills
Sergeant Major/First Sergeant - 9000 honorable kills
Knight/Stone Guard 11000 honorable kills
Knight-Lieutenant/Blood Guard 15000 honorable kills
Knight-Captain/Legionnaire 20000 honorable kills
Knight-Champion/Centurion 25000 honorable kills
Lieutenant Commander/Champion 30000 honorable kills
Commander/Lieutenant General 35000 honorable kills
Marshal/General 40000 honorable kills
Field Marshal/Warlord 45000 honorable kills
Grand Marshal/High Warlord 60000 honorable kills

As Honorable Kills can be earned anywhere, not just on Battlegrounds, this will also bring back World PvP.
Arena enjoyers already have a passive HK gains while playing any brackets, it will maybe grant them an extra title when the season ends.

I would like to answer in advance on one of the main complaints about most of my suggestions: wintrading.
Yes, people wintrade. Yes, they will wintrade no matter what, even if 30 day/perma ban will be introduced. Yes, there are few if none at all things that can be done to stop them.
But! We cannot allow them to stop this server from thriving, improving and introducing cool new things. Wintraders are always lowest tier players who cannot get any rewards in fair game, they do not benefit from wintraded gear since they are bad at the game and can’t really use unfairly gained power.
When writing these suggestions, gathering other players’ suggestions and discussing them my one and only goal is to improve the environment and attract more players into Stormforge Mistblade PvP scene.

I urge every single person reading this to embrace my mindset and share their own realistic suggestions that benefit everyone, give reasonable and rational critique to my suggestions and pursuit the common goal of making our lovely Stormforge a better place for everyone.

i agree

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The imbalance for new players trying to join battlegrounds is terrible. The scaling they added makes this so much worse. I don’t think the scaling is meant for earlier content (pre SoO gear). On mistblade season 1, early on at least(pre isle of thunder), you could grab some gear from heroics and jump into battlegrounds and not be completely useless. If you play a bf with anything less then full honor gear, you are only good for cc.

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On 3/12/2024 at 7:42 PM, Crysis said:

I'll talk to Chris about all these suggestions, we'll see.

I will try to come up with more suggestions, thank you!

If it is possible, can you please give me some direction? What are big no-no's, what is possible/acceptable?

From what i understand, touching CP/Honor gains is not an option at all? Don't get me wrong, i just want to make the game more alt-friendly, this season it was terrible and i'm not sure it will get better next seasons without any tweaks/additions. I believe this is the last decent opportunity for people to experience MOP. Mistblade 3 will have a lot less population if some real big changes won't be made, plus you guys will release Legion at that point. I personally just want to experience more classes/specs, but the game is so grindy that i doubt i'll cover even 50% of them till the end of Mistblade 2.
Same goes to other players, game's playerbase is getting older, we are not those young 15 years old boys who have all free time in the world. We work, some of us have families, but we still want to play this lovely game that is so damn good and addictive.

What about custom rewards like older expansions Elite PvP Gear? I have some ideas about simple, probably easy to introduce PvP Quests with that gear as a reward with some % drop chance from lootboxes. Should i develop those ideas or abandon them?

Edited by jamming88
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  • 3 months later...
2 minutes ago, moksayleo777 said:

my question is because it is the best wow server I have found, it has almost no bugs and its community is very active, that's why I ask if they are going to address more expansions like legion or battle for azeroth.

Greetings, we will have legion in few years, but we will have it on tauri first

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