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General my account was HACKED?!!

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 I think my account was HACKED by someone!!!!   Just  now i login my account, i find out all my GOLD and somw of iteams" GONE" FOR NO IDEA!!,,,,,,even the BANK. plz tell me how,I  havt share my account and PW to anyone b4,,,,,,WOT happen in last 24 hours(last time i login was this friday (01/20/2024),,im so sad and angry!!!!!! there was over 20K GOLD in my account(total on service),,,,, all gone!!And when i  login today, my Warrior at Different locations,when last time i logout!!! And the BANK  WAS ransacked,except soul bound items(i means all characters of this account).PLZ help me!




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Hello - make sure to change your account name and password, and then open a GM ticket in-game with full details on what is missing, and it can be looked into.

Very often hackers get in because people use same account/password information from other servers that have had their databases compromised. It is always advised to use a different account and password between each server, or to use 2FA.

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frist, thx to reply me and guide~!   i did change my PW in frist time.  About wot i missing , i just remember around 21K GOLD total,,,,,and some of items in my bag(and banks),,,,

which means its hard to remember all the things i missing,,,,,i can try 2 make list of wot i missing,but not full details ,,,,,anyway ~thx lot~~~~wish my qust can fix ASAP,,,,,,

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And other question,,,,Is it possible  “”retracement“  to last time i logout on friday........?? that will be better,,,,, ~~

i wanna know who hack my account,,,,,,is it possible too? or maybe u guys can find out wot happen in last 24 hours......coz i didt login service at Saturday WHLOE DAY~~~

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  • Administrators
21 hours ago, MikoBai said:

i did~~~~~3 hours ago,,,,,,,,,


Set up Two Factor Authentication.

Accounts do NOT get magically hacked, you either shared your account or you clicked some suspicious link.

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