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Realm: Mistblade Sneaky and still incompetent!

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Just wanted to make a friendly reminder for my PvP Weapon thread. Initially at least. Now that I see you DELETED IT FROM THE ARCHIVE... is a clear sign you didn't want backlash. Guess what, you get it anyways. This level of incompetency of the developer team is unheard of. I made my thread, explaining exactly why no PvP Weapon is a terrible mistake and you literally brushed me away as " its just a few weeks". Now that you see how MASSIVE of a problem it is.. (legit server crumbling due to PvP people leaving) now you guys calmly announce that you are working on some fixing on the issue. You already failed big time, and this is not even the righ word. People reached almost 3k rating with this, reserving their gladiator spot no matter what. Issues upon issues, its just unbelievable. And oh, I have a Christmas gift for you all, to further demonstrate how madly incompetent is the dev team all around not just regarding PvP.


I made a ticket about a quest chain issue, a staff member contacted me and said add him on Discord. I did, reiterated my ticket to him and ... nothing. This is what we are dealing with brothers and sister. An utter failure of a bunch.



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The hell are you talking about? First off, the old PvP Power/weapon whatever thread is still up, nobody hid it. 

Second, correcting your math mistakes and telling you that "something isn't exactly simple as a net benefit" is not exactly a confirmation that something is or is not happening. The answer you received in this thread is very much non-committal, with the primary focus being that, you know, your math was quite horrible. More goes into decisionmaking than single forum threads, and new information/perspectives can also come to light.

Third, if a GM forgets about you mid-conversation, you're always free to remind them. Also, for example, messages in the public Discord support channel are always visible by everyone and you don't end up messaging GMs whose permission levels do not allow them to help you super easily.

Fourth, I see that on the 4th of December at 5pm server time, you managed to find and complete the questchain either on your own or with help from somebody else, so I don't see why you would be THIS upset about this particular GM not helping you at this exact moment.

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First point: Ok, didnt see it, I give you that.

Second point: Nobody talks about math, and it is irrelevant especially when its a tiny margin. The issue as the title said was about nonexistent honor PvP Weapons. I complaned, you didnt do shit. And now that too much people are complaining you guys are trying to make changes. So the problem was there all along it is an undeniable fact, its just you didnt want to look at it. Lets say it how it is.

Third point: What the actual fuck? First of all there is no "mid-conversation". The problem is that the conversations didnt even start. Why is he offering help, when he is not helping? And yes, I did it on my own, but thats exactly the point... I did his job by researching whats going on. Making him useless. 

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Are we now forbidden to be slightly late with a change that may end up being necessary? (or it may not be, I may still turn out to be correct in my assessment that it will be mostly unimpactful) Are we forbidden from eventually taking the stance you would like after merely EXPLAINING the other side to you after you've even had several incorrect assumptions? And why is it a capital offense still for a GM to forget about you? With the ticket volumes we are getting, sometimes, it happens, and if someone lets themselves get buried, we just assume that they managed to solve the issue on their own. We do not consider our GMs "generally incompetent" for a single isolated incident of being interrupted mid-ticket. Anything can happen in a person's work or personal life that pushes you back on their to-do list, and, again, you, instead of screaming bloody murder internally, are free to shoot them a reminder ping or look for a different GM to help you out.

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How about you stop using this forum as your personal soapbox? You ended up marking my answer as a solution to your original thread, not me. You seemed to be accepting of the position that what you're asking for MAY not be implemented and/or MAY not help as much as you initially thought it would, and then got mad later that we... will end up doing as you initially asked, and then also started attacking one of our GMs for an entirely unrelated reason.

Whatever happens, happens, and let me tell you that no individual staff member is singlehandedly making decisions that affect the future of the server, and you AGAIN not being able to find the correct information (whether someone "sneakily and maliciously hid the thread" or not instead of failing at elementary school maths) is just compounding the needless hostilities you're throwing at us.

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