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Realm: Netherwing 为什么联盟可以原地复活?

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Hello - English is required on the forum.

It is correct that Alliance have a 1 minute resurrect sickness as part of the perks. 

There is way too many horde (as of typing right now - 66% Horde), so it is not unfair in my opinion. You have an option to take free faction transfer to Alliance and enjoy these benefits if you wish. 🙂

Edited by Matik
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That also happens to indicate that the alliance feels weak and needs some benefits to survive, doesn't it?

Wilderness fights are all separate phenomena, and this kind of welfare will only allow malicious people to exploit loopholes

So more people choose tribes because the weak only need these benefits

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7 hours ago, nanancnc said:

That also happens to indicate that the alliance feels weak and needs some benefits to survive, doesn't it?

Wilderness fights are all separate phenomena, and this kind of welfare will only allow malicious people to exploit loopholes

So more people choose tribes because the weak only need these benefits

alliance already have enough perks 🙂

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