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Go to solution Solved by Aithne,

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Hey guys, im new to this server, and im having trouble loggin into my account

it keeps getting stuck on that message:


and at the end i receive this one:


anyone knows how to fix it?
and i read in the forums it might be related to `read-only` tick -> already deactivated it
and also this is my config.wtf file:
SET realmlist "logon.stormforge.gg"
SET portal "logon.stormforge.gg:1118"
SET locale "enUS"
SET installLocale "enUS"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET videoOptionsVersion "5"
SET gxApi "D3D11"
SET gxWindow "0"
SET gxMaximize "0"
SET maxAnimThreads "6"
SET readTOS "1"
SET lastReadTOS "50408"
SET readEULA "1"
SET lastReadEULA "50408"
SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
SET farclip "1000"
SET particleDensity "80"
SET waterDetail "2"
SET rippleDetail "1"
SET reflectionMode "0"
SET sunShafts "2"
SET groundEffectDensity "80"
SET groundEffectDist "200"
SET environmentDetail "125"
SET projectedTextures "1"
SET shadowMode "2"
SET shadowTextureSize "2048"
SET SSAOBlur "1"
SET textureFilteringMode "4"
SET terrainLodDist "500"
SET wmoLodDist "500"
SET componentTextureLevel "0"

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4 minutes ago, Aithne said:

Try changing your password - changing it to the same exact thing and restarting the client might solve this, but if not, change your password to something just slightly different.

11/28 19:23:29.618  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:23:29.679  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:23:29.744  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:23:29.804  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:23:29.872  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
11/28 19:23:29.929  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:23:29.996  Connecting to
11/28 19:24:12.617  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED 
11/28 19:24:12.727  Disconnected from
11/28 19:24:12.787  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:24:12.844  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:24:12.904  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED 
11/28 19:24:12.961  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:24:13.020  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:24:13.077  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:24:13.136  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:24:13.203  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
11/28 19:24:40.868  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:24:40.992  Connecting to
11/28 19:24:43.008  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:24:43.076  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_DISCONNECTED result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:24:43.141  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:24:43.201  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:24:43.266  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:24:43.326  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:24:43.392  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
11/28 19:25:32.476  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:25:32.569  Connecting to
11/28 19:26:07.922  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:26:08.057  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_DISCONNECTED result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:26:08.177  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:26:08.249  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:26:08.309  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:26:08.374  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:26:08.435  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
11/28 19:27:17.497  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:27:17.597  Connecting to
11/28 19:28:01.848  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED 
11/28 19:28:02.106  Disconnected from
11/28 19:28:02.171  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:28:02.231  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:28:02.296  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED 
11/28 19:28:02.356  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:28:02.421  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:28:02.481  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:28:02.599  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:28:02.658  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165

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@Aithne i tried also changing my password twice, didnt work
and as you requested here the connection file:

11/28 19:27:31.375  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:27:31.375  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:27:31.375  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:27:31.375  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:27:31.375  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
11/28 19:27:31.382  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:27:31.461  Connecting to
11/28 19:27:52.589  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:27:52.589  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_DISCONNECTED result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:27:52.589  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:27:52.589  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:27:52.589  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:27:52.589  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:27:52.589  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
11/28 19:27:56.081  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
11/28 19:27:56.081  Connecting to
11/28 19:28:38.948  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED 
11/28 19:28:38.948  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:28:38.948  Client initiated Disconnect from
11/28 19:28:38.994  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED 
11/28 19:28:38.994  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
11/28 19:28:38.994  Component WoW.Wn64.18414
11/28 19:28:38.994  Component WoW.base.18273
11/28 19:28:38.994  Component WoW.enUS.18273
11/28 19:28:38.994  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165

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