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Burning Crusade Inclusion of Alterac Valley in "A Call to Battle".

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While Alterac Valley (AV) remains the least popular battleground mode for TBC, there is sincere interest in having it as a viable option. Needlessly to say, AV certainly remains a favorite amongst a minority of players. One could also argue that AV is more compatible with the interests of PVE players compared to any other BG modes, and could therefore attract players that otherwise don't engage in PVP gameplay.

However, the interest of the majority should not be outweighed by the interest of the minority in an unproportionate manner. Yet, in line with the axioms of economics: more choices are better than less. In other words, having more opportunities empowers the experience for everyone.

Therefore, I propose including AV in the PVP daily quest "A Call to Battle" once a week, which is proportionately representative of players' interests compared to other BGs (2 AB - 2 WG - 2 EoS - 1 AV). In turn, another dimension of the WoW experience becomes accessible, giving players the opportunity to indulge in the epic 40v40 battles (at least once a week) that are sincerely sought after by some. Making everyone happy in a fair manner.

This could simply be tested over a two-week period, with the subsequent feedback determining its continuation.

Edited by Kravstor1810
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  • 4 months later...

A bit of thread necromancy here...

I agree with the OP.  It's a real shame that AV is 'out of action'.  I'm not sure if it's physically disabled by the devs, but I've certainly never entered an AV battle despite trying to queue for several months.  A few players in chat claim to have done so (probably trolling), but most claim they never have.

Is the battleground broken or something?  I can't believe it's that unpopular.  My recollection of retail's classic TBC was that it was the "go-to" battleground of choice, not the least active one.

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The BG was not intentionally disabled- however none of the extra honor perks are applied to the BG (on purpose), so there is no incentive to run it. The AV daily was also removed.

The main PvP developer doesn't believe in AV because it usually turns into a rush PvE zergfest and also takes away activity from the other BGs. I doubt this policy will change.

Edited by Matick
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Well, I guess the incentive could be that it's very enjoyable (for some).  Even with no daily quest perks, it surely remains possible to get honor from winning it and from HKs?  I always felt that AV was a great 'equalizer' - players who loved the PVP could do that, those who were focused more on PVE-style content could do that instead.

If the PVE stuff is an issue, I'm pretty sure (having worked on private servers myself) that it's quite trivial to tweak a battleground's code and make alternate objectives.  AV would work fine without any of the PVE-zerg NPCs - a game of attrition to gather resources and capture graveyards.  In the good 'ol days, an AV game was an epic back-and-forth affair that went on for hours...

Oh, those bridge battles... Happy times.

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