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- .help - Displays all available commands.

- .info - Displays information about the server - current population, server dev revision, active content patch and server uptime.

- .xprate [value] - Allows you to set your personal experience rates. Allowed values range from 0.5 to 3.0. Using ".xprate 0" will set it to default (server rates).

- .toggleAlliancePerks - Toggles benefitting from Alliance perks for those who want to opt out of them. Perks are enabled by default.

- .dualspec - Toggles the switch between primary/secondary specialization. You need to have dual spec purchased from your class trainer at level 40. Instead of using the command, you can also right-click your portrait and click the "Activate Secondary Specialization" button from there.

- .invisible - Allows you to appear invisible on friends lists, /who lists, /whispers and party invites. Only available to level 70 characters. 


Account Data:

- .synchronizeBindings - Toggles synchronization of client bindings between client and the server. If enabled, the server will respond to client requests with saved bindings, making it easier to play on different computers and not have to copy the settings every time.

- .synchronizeConfig - Toggles synchronization of client config settings between client and the server.

- .synchronizeMacros - Toggles synchronization of client macros between client and the server.

- .synchronizeSettings - Toggles synchronization of client settings between client and the server.



- .character arena 2s - Toggles displaying Arena announcements whenever a team within your rating bracket joins the 2v2 Queue.

- .character arena 3s - Toggles displaying Arena announcements whenever a team within your rating bracket joins the 3v3 Queue.

- .character arena 5s - Toggles displaying Arena announcements whenever a team within your rating bracket joins the 5v5 Queue.

- .character bg - Toggles displaying Battleground announcements whenever a battleground starts.

- .join ab - Queues you or your group for the Arathi Basin battleground. Can be used anywhere in the world.

- .join wsg - Queues you or your group for the Warsong Gulch battleground. Can be used anywhere in the world.

- .join av - Queues you or your group for the Eye of the Storm battleground. Can be used anywhere in the world.

- .join arena - Queues your group for a Rated Arena game, the bracket depends on your group size.

- .debug combatLog flags [value] - Sets debug flags for displaying spell hit information in duels and arenas. Useful for testing resists and misses. Use value 63 to enable all possible debug events.

- .debug combatLog against_flags [value] - Sets debug flags for displaying spell hit information for spells cast against you in duels and arenas. Useful for testing resists and misses. Use value 63 to enable all possible debug events.



- .sealtwisting - Allows Paladins to toggle the way Seal Twisting works for them to either Original or Classic version.

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