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Will Alterac valley be brought back ever? I have heard so many conflicting things like that it is unable to ever pop no matter how many queue, but other sources saying that is just a myth.


Likewise AV is such a fun battleground and not having it could be dire in the face of competition as people will soon be able to get their AV pvp tbc fix elsewhere.


I propose we have AV weekends and only have it pop during those weekends, lower the threshold for how many people it takes to pop (to like 5 or 10 on each side) and not have it close early unless you don't get those 10 players on each side.


Either way, I was just wondering if there were any plans on ever bringing it back this server?

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You can queue for Alterac Valley but people do not play it here since there are no real reasons.

We might give it more spotlight in the future, but it's not on the top priority list for now.

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On 10/11/2023 at 8:23 AM, Tsu said:

You can queue for Alterac Valley but people do not play it here since there are no real reasons.

We might give it more spotlight in the future, but it's not on the top priority list for now.

I appreciate the reply. Do you know the minimum amount of people it takes for it to queue pop? Would love to know so I can talk to some people on horde/alliance and maybe get one going.

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You can queue according to tsu and it will pop. Still wondering how many it takes to pop though.


Also would be nice if you don't lose your av queue when going into other bgs so that you could maintain your av queue for longer. That would make people actually wanna queue it

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