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Realm: Netherwing Wotlk client won't let me connected wtih my user and password?

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Dunno what you doing wrong but that is not how the login screen should look, you did something to seriously corrupt your client

Here are the patch instructions, it should only be applied to an unmodified 3.3.5 client (or just for simplicity, download our 3.3.5 client that comes fully bundled with the patch):

But, here are patch instructions:
Patch download: https://cdn.wowlibrary.com/clients/TBC_335/Patch-Full.zip
) Locate your 3.3.5a WoW Folder
) Copy/Replace the sf-assets.MPQ and sf-interface.MPQ to your /WoW/Data (NOT data/enUS!) folder.
) Copy/Replace the version.dll and Wow.exe to your wow folder (do not copy over the zhCN folder)
If you still see the WotLK background at login screen after finished
, then it was not done correctly.
Verify your game folder and files are NOT saved in Program Files folder

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