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Mists of Pandaria Fun PvE and PvP event Mistblade2 realm

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Greetings fellow players and respect gm's once more,this is suggestion for an PvE,PvP event for Mistblade S2 realm  which I would like GMs and developers to organize because I believe that a lot of people would gather.

So the idea and concept for event would be to spawn various end raid bosses that players should defeat to progress further but the catch is,all end  raid bosses would have their abilities and hp enchanted to scale the MoP raiding experience.
The event would be held in Twilight Grove (Duskwood) or Azshara Crater,since some bosses needs plenty of space to be placed and working properly i think Twilight Groove or Crater of Azshara would fit the task.
The loot would consist from various 540 ilvl (Flex),525 ToT or 516 (HCS) PvE items,transmog items from old raids,mounts,gold,crafting materials or patterns for PvE players.
And for PvP players the loot would consist from S13 PvP gear,S14 PvP gear,transmog items from old raids,mounts,gold,crafting materials or patterns.

The bosses included in this events would be:

Nefarian (BWL)

Ossirian the Unscarred (Ruins of AQ)

C'Thun (Temple of AQ)

Ragnaros (Molten Core MC)


The Burning Crusade:

Illidan Stormrage (Black  Temple)

Gruul the Dragonkiller (Gruul Lair)

Archimonde (BFMH)

Prince Malchezaar (Karazhan)

Magtheridon (Magtheridon Lair)

Lady Vashj  (Serpentshrine Cavern SSC)

Kil'jaeden (SWP)

Kael'thas Sunstrider (Tempest Keep)


Wrath of the Lich King:

Lich King (Icecrown Citadel)

Kel'Thuzad (Naxxramas)

Onyxia (Onyxia Lair)

Malygos (Eye of Ethernity)

Sartharion (Obisidan Sanctum)

Halion (Ruby Sanctum)

Anub'Arak (Trial of Crusader ToC)

Yogg-Saron (Ulduar)


Nefarian's End (Blackwing Descent) - Nefarian and  Onyxia

Madness of Deathwing (Dragon Soul DS)

Ragnaros (Firelands FL)

Cho'Gall & Sinestra (Bastion of Twilight BoT)

Al'Akir (Throne of Four Winds ToFW)


We could add bosses from MoP raids too but it would be too much for now!

Other notes:
- The break between fights would be 5-10 min max so players can regain their strenght rebuff and retake breath from fights

- As i mentioned the place of event would be either Twilight Grove or Crater of Azshara

Tell me what do you think about this idea and i hope gm's and developers will organize it soon cheers!




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