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Realm: Mistblade Amazing server, one thing wrong though

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The server has impeccable emulation from what I have been able to see, but there is only one thing that has generally made me and the people who play with me go somewhere else and that is the PVP world.

I don't understand why private server developers keep forcing players to participate in something that not everyone finds attractive, instead of giving the option to activate the option or not.
The only thing that this option has caused in the game is that abusers make low level characters leave, problems when you try to make world content and both factions mix, and other types of problems that go beyond all this.
If I have to recommend this server to someone I would not do it for this simple fact, so much work emulating quest chains, systems, raids, etcs and other elements of the game are completely obfuscated by this stupidity, mindless and force option.

We have to break the belief that servers with world pvp attract more people, it is a lie, it is not like that, it is quite the opposite, people hate having a mechanic that forces abuse, because a group of people simply enjoys something.

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