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I have recently joined this server and I can see a lot of horde race in the ally. Any specific reason for this? Also approximately 80-85% of bg are lost by the horde. Seems like there is a imbalance which push more people to leave horde for ally (I have seen one guy who was defending with me one base on AB and on the ally side on the next day) creating even more imbalance bgs. Is there any plan to fix this?

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In battlegrounds and arena - what race you see are what they chose through the racial shift NPC - it is shown like this so you know what racials you are up against.

As far as BGs in general, there are plans to setup cross-faction in the near future for it, but I do not know exactly when it will happen.

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12 hours ago, Prossh860 said:

Also approximately 80-85% of bg are lost by the horde.

Alliance chat is full of alliance players complaining that horde are winning all the time. Guess it is subjective and also dependent on time of day/week.

AND people tend to remember losses more than wins - that´s how we evolved.

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