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Realm: Mistblade Can I get a character boost for S2 ?

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I have a fully geared S1 character and that season swap is a fucking spit in the face.

Admins, you're telling people that basically their time is expendable, and that there's no moral issue with basically wiping the effort spent just to get more engagement cuz wew the patch cycle restarts. I didn't know you could make people simps without boobs.

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It's entirely optional, and several people did want the opportunity to trade in their characters. There's also an option to get a discounted boost while keeping your old character, AND you can also just... not engage with the season swap at all.

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10 hours ago, supercoolvibes said:

I have a fully geared S1 character and that season swap is a fucking spit in the face.

Admins, you're telling people that basically their time is expendable, and that there's no moral issue with basically wiping the effort spent just to get more engagement cuz wew the patch cycle restarts. I didn't know you could make people simps without boobs.

there is no moral issue, your time is expendable, this is how it has always been with free stuff on the internet. there is an old BOFH saying "Access to this server is a privilege, not a right"
i totally understand how it must feel like a slap in the face, been there myself 20+ years ago on a la2 server, i learned early that continuity is not to be expected when you signup for anything free, if you want peace of mind play retail, that's what i did back then, now i just don't care

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22 hours ago, Aithne said:

It's entirely optional, and several people did want the opportunity to trade in their characters. There's also an option to get a discounted boost while keeping your old character, AND you can also just... not engage with the season swap at all.


Where are these options? Can I get a free S2 boost as I have a maxed out character in S1?

Edited by supercoolvibes
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