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Hello, i have not logged in for a while, and when i logged in yesterday i found some characters missing! 

I think my characters have been deleted somehow, maybe my account got hacked, i am missing multiple lvl 70's.

I have changed my password and am looking for support, have opened a ticket since yesterday and wrote in TBC support channel in discord.

Please help! :o

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You get one free recovery in the store, so you can get one character back for free, but beyond that you'll need to wait for a response to your in-game ticket.  If you do not have a response from a GM within a few days, I would contact Crysis on discord and see if he can check on it for you.

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

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