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What do you mean your "e-mail is blocked"?

If you lose access to the e-mail, you can still login to the game. If you mean there is an error message about your account when you try to login to the game, that would mean you were possibly banned and changing the address associated with the account won't solve that. If you are having problems with your e-mail, contact you mail host or use their automated password recovery tool. If you are having problems with your WoW account, send an e-mail to [email protected].

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique, PyooPyoo, Lesdyxic

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

Did I just get ninja'd?...probably not...

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