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admin are you serious now??? I flew around Northrend for 3 hours and didn’t find more than one I flew near the center except saronite no more no I doused it around 4 times and where I mined I didn’t find tatin or fix it or increase the chance of titanium drops why when I played on the office there I didn’t see such a problem, everything clearly was titanium was normal, but you see problems with ore in Northrend, there is not enough of it!!!!!!

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admins, you're kidding me, I've been flying for 1 hour already, I chose one side of the ice crown cytodel and didn't find anything, try to get it yourself, it's difficult! not like in the office, why don't you just make it the way it should be, why don't you make it so it's in Northrend, where I can't get it and the place, in fact it's very difficult yesterday I'm today I was flying, I'm flying, this is just a mockery of the players

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  • Administrators

Please be civil on the forums, and for bugreports, utilize the Github bugtracker instead. The way mining is set up is actually not a mistake though, if you just fly around in circles without mining the Saronite, you will never see new Titanium spawn, and that's pretty much blizzlike.

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  • 1 month later...

Modifications to the game are not taken lightly.  The admins do not just go around making random changes because someone says they don't like something. Enter it in the bug tracker and it will be investigated and they will determine whether or not it is working correctly and if an adjustment needs to be made.  If you came to the forums expecting Einer to say, "Oh so sorry, here let me fill your bank with Titanium Bars.", don't hold your breath. The admin did answer your question and is not "stupidly chasing" you anywhere.  You have to put in a bug report and wait for it to be answered.  There are a limited number of people who can respond to a bug report and they have to go down the list and they will also have to do some testing to verify the bug report and resolve it.  The process takes time, be patient.  Yelling and name calling will only end up getting you ignored or worse.

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, ICritMyKilt, Lesdyxic

Netherwing Horde:
SoonBeSteak, HeepShumper


Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

Did I just get ninja'd?...probably not...

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