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Realm: Mistblade Few questions about MoP realms and returning.

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So since there is season 2 now.. I do wonder how this works exactly. I tried to look around the website and such but could not find much info. Then again i did not look hard enough.

I am just interested to know what is the plan for MoP realms in general and how does it work exactly.
I do fancy achievement hunting, pet and mount collecting. Therefore majority of my time is spend doing just that. And with some things taking quite a long time such as Tournament Grounds in IC and Loremaster.. My question is.. Do you plan on eventually making season 3 realm for MoP. And seeing how season 2 is a fresh realm.. I suppose i am gonna loose all that progress, correct ? I read somewhere here that mounts and such will transfer to the new realm. Please correct me if i am incorrect there.

I do not like the idea of loosing everything in a year or two and having to start over. So figured i'd ask here. What exactly does one keep when going to a new season realm and what is gone ?


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2 minutes ago, Geeorgee said:

So since there is season 2 now.. I do wonder how this works exactly. I tried to look around the website and such but could not find much info. Then again i did not look hard enough.

I am just interested to know what is the plan for MoP realms in general and how does it work exactly.
I do fancy achievement hunting, pet and mount collecting. Therefore majority of my time is spend doing just that. And with some things taking quite a long time such as Tournament Grounds in IC and Loremaster.. My question is.. Do you plan on eventually making season 3 realm for MoP. And seeing how season 2 is a fresh realm.. I suppose i am gonna loose all that progress, correct ? I read somewhere here that mounts and such will transfer to the new realm. Please correct me if i am incorrect there.

I do not like the idea of loosing everything in a year or two and having to start over. So figured i'd ask here. What exactly does one keep when going to a new season realm and what is gone ?


Hello there :) First welcome to stormforge this is Moderator Einer

Mistblade 2 released 25 november 2023, its a new realm,yes you can use your existence mount in MB1 in MB2 also we'll never delete any player's progress and for season 3 we don't know , we don't have any information about it, but we always encourage to join our discord to know about anything new, basically you won't lose your progress 

Have a nice time!

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4 minutes ago, Geeorgee said:

That is good to know. My biggest worry.. Well.. ''worry'' is that i put all that effort into a character on s2 and IF there will be s3 in future its all gonna be on an empty realm.

Thank you for quick answer. 

Have a good one.

You're welcome :)

Feel free to join our discord : https://discord.gg/stormforge so if you have any issue you can get a quick answer :)

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It seems like the whole point of s2 was because the admins learned a lot from s1 and they wanted to produce a better MoP experience with lots of updates and fixes.  This go around, hopefully, everyone has a better, smoother leveling experience and raiding experience.  They could have done all the patches and fixes on s1, but that wouldn't have given everyone the full experience and with so many people already geared from end-game content, it wouldn't have drawn the player base back to the early stuff.  I have heard talk of a merger in the indeterminant future, after s2 catches up to s1 in patch/progression, and of course you don't lose any characters or anything even if they don't have a merger because s1 is still up and playable.  The population density dropped off drastically because of the mass exodus to s2, so don't expect raiding and quick dungeon queues.  I wouldn't worry though, no matter what happens, because the servers are well maintained and the administration is methodical.

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

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