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Burning Crusade Please do something about unfair BG experience...

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could you mix alliance/horde in BGs or do anything? I play horde and lose over 90% of my BGs. All the time 0-4 towers in eye of the storm etc.

Please... It is just so hard to farm honorpoints and so frustrating.

There are nearly only orcs and tauren in alliance anyway. Just mix all up for good or let people decide the fraction they want to fight in PVP so it balances out itself...


I am sick of players changing to alliance for easy points...


Edited by Wonsamdi
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I don't think giving people a choice between sides in BGs would fix that issue.  Everyone would just pick the side that typically wins and no one would want to be on the other side so no BGs would pop because there would be 1,000 people on the one side queued up and 0 on the other.  If people did pick the opposite side it would probably be a pre-made BG group which would steam roll the PUGs on the other side.

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique, PyooPyoo, Lesdyxic

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

Did I just get ninja'd?...probably not...

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5 hours ago, Wonsamdi said:


could you mix alliance/horde in BGs or do anything? I play horde and lose over 90% of my BGs. All the time 0-4 towers in eye of the storm etc.

Please... It is just so hard to farm honorpoints and so frustrating.

There are nearly only orcs and tauren in alliance anyway. Just mix all up for good or let people decide the fraction they want to fight in PVP so it balances out itself...


I am sick of players changing to alliance for easy points...


Free faction change to Alliance is always an option for you if you are unable with your faction's BG performance.

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57 minutes ago, ICritMyKilt said:

I don't think giving people a choice between sides in BGs would fix that issue.  Everyone would just pick the side that typically wins and no one would want to be on the other side so no BGs would pop because there would be 1,000 people on the one side queued up and 0 on the other.  If people did pick the opposite side it would probably be a pre-made BG group which would steam roll the PUGs on the other side.

maybe just randolfing would solve the problem?

Now it is like everybody who wants to win joins alliance and so the problems just becomes bigger and bigger.

If everybody is put random in alliance or horde it will just even out.

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4 minutes ago, Wonsamdi said:

i would rather die in real life than joining the alliance.

My life for the horde. Always was and always will be.

That is a bit of an extreme reaction to a video game that you're supposed to be playing for fun. You can practice, improve your skills, bring friends with you, etc.

2 minutes ago, Wonsamdi said:

If everybody is put random in alliance or horde it will just even out.

Keep in mind that there might be client limitations that make this a wee bit difficult to implement, in addition to players not necessarily being... how do I put it, compliant. Whatever Wolf decides to do or not do, you shouldn't be singularly focused on why a single specific idea is the "optimal solution".

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So if you put people in random faction and random race from that faction, can you imagine a gnome priest becomes a tauren priest? Now imagine that wolf didn't tell anyone he was making such a change and that player logs on and starts a BG and when it loads in they are bewildered trying to figure out what happened to their little gnome.  The random little things that amuse me...

1 hour ago, Wonsamdi said:

maybe just randolfing would solve the problem?

Now it is like everybody who wants to win joins alliance and so the problems just becomes bigger and bigger.

If everybody is put random in alliance or horde it will just even out.

All joking aside, you need to speak with a councellor.

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique, PyooPyoo, Lesdyxic

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

Did I just get ninja'd?...probably not...

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  • 2 months later...

Played with my friends from morning to night, we didn't get a single victory, so you can't complete the daily quest, 3 victories in BG. After that I stayed playing all night to see if I could get a win and nothing. How about 3 more wins. Hoples. Im so angry that Im considering leaving this server.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/1/2024 at 12:28 PM, Aithne said:

That is a bit of an extreme reaction to a video game that you're supposed to be playing for fun. You can practice, improve your skills, bring friends with you, etc.

But its not fun.  And where all these sound like good suggestions, doesn't mean its going to happen.  I think world peace and feeding the hungry and eliminating racism are all good ideas too, but just saying "just stop hating others" or "just feed people" or "All races matter" will never solve anything.  Real action needs to be taken, not just words that sound good.  There is an obvious problem here, and I feel like its being ignored by the dev team.


On 4/2/2024 at 7:40 PM, Matik said:

Transfers to other faction are free if you are unhappy with your faction's performance

This appears to be the only way to win a BG right now.  Too bad its only a one way trip for free.   For this to be a viable solution, the faction change needs to be free both ways.

I have already faction changed once with my warlock.  spent about a week to get one gear item as horde, got fed up with it and faction changed to alliance and got almost an entire pvp set in 6 days.  I then needed to faction change back to horde again costing RMT.   So sorry Aithne  all you said about  practice, improve your skills, bring friends with you, none of that mattered, none of that was a solution to the problem.  The fix was to faction change then spend RMT to change back.


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horde almost all Russian/Chinese anyway at this point so I dunno why anyone would want to stay at that faction, but that is just my opinion. Horde is still 60%+ they do not want to allow people to transfer from Alliance to Horde for free for faction balance numbers.


With final season coming up, pretty sure they don't have any plans for changing how BGs are.


P.S. a few people on discord were complaining that as Alliance they were constantly losing so yeah.. feels like some overexaggeration as well.

Edited by Matick
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2 hours ago, Matick said:

horde almost all Russian/Chinese anyway at this point so I dunno why anyone would want to stay at that faction, but that is just my opinion. Horde is still 60%+ they do not want to allow people to transfer from Alliance to Horde for free for faction balance numbers.

As someone who has done the whole faction change.  I can say this is not as accurate as you may think.  yes there are a large amount of Chinese and Russians on horde.  but after changing to alliance, i didn't notice that much of a change.  the % of non English vs English in BG's felt about the same.

As for why more people play as horde vs alliance.  This is likely because the horde quest lines are more interesting and follow the original lore of the first RTS WarCraft games.  And the alliance quest lines are more focused on developing new story lines.  Where its not bad to have new story, but the original lore brings a more nostalgic feeling to the game.  And its that nostalgic content tends to attract the older and more mature players.

Also the alliance specific quest vs the horde specific quests feels like.
Alliance = I'm too young to die (easy)
Horde = Hurt me plenty  (normal)

2 hours ago, Matick said:

With final season coming up, pretty sure they don't have any plans for changing how BGs are.

Yeah you probably right about that.  Why do work when its already FUBR. 

2 hours ago, Matick said:

P.S. a few people on discord were complaining that as Alliance they were constantly losing so yeah.. feels like some overexaggeration as well.

I understand that in the end its all anecdotal, but in my experience, its not an exaggeration.  Its true that when I was playing Alliance my win % was probably 70-75% for solo queue, and you can sometimes catch the Horde pre-mades and get a bad 5-10 game loosing streak.   Its still nothing compared to being horde side.  where if you don't do premade ( and horde premade groups don't invite people who have less than 250 resilience) your looking at a 2-5% win chance for solo queue

Here is my warlock after only 6 days of grind BG's on alliance (yes he is BE now because i paid faction changed him back to horde)

And here is my Pally after about 3 days of griding battle grounds as Horde.

The only pvp gear is the gold purchased gear that requires faction.  And the simple lvl 70 pvp trinket


Both characters only solo queued, and both characters started the BG grind immediately after dinging leveling 70 and changing talents (for pvp) and buying lvl 70 spells.  So yeah.  Not an over exaggeration.

Edited by tip101
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