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Realm: Netherwing An Epic PVP item disappeared! Has this happenned to anyone else?

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Two days ago, I was surprised to see an Epic PVP item disappeared straight from my equipment area -- I paid 7548 honor points and 20 Arathi Basin badges for it!

It can't be sold by accident, because NPC vendors don't want it. It's not in my bank or bags. Has this happenned to anyone else?

Nothing else is missing so it's not an account security breach.

The purchase took place the same day, so maybe it's caused by a server roll-back. But the honor points and badges are gone!

I'm trying to establish contact with support team member via discord. I'm worried because it's taking long time.

Would appreciate if someone can provide more info as to how/why this happens, and how will this end. Thanks!

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Hello - sorry but without more information it's impossible to know, it is not something I have ever heard of before.

Please open a GM ticket in-game with the item name and approximate day/time it was purchased. They can review logs and investigate further.

Edited by Matik
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12 minutes ago, Matik said:

Hello - sorry but without more information it's impossible to know, it is not something I have ever heard of before.

Please open a GM ticket in-game with the item name and approximate day/time it was purchased. They can review logs and investigate further.

I did open a ticket. A day later got mail from support team member to find him on discord.

thanks for the tip!

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