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Consider removing Kara Attunment a bit early to help with alts and new characters.

Although it was removed late in original TBC's life - it was removed fairly early during classic's iteration - shorty after the release of SSC/TK.

Anyway at this stage of the server, I don't see many downsides in allowing this

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I highly disagree while every character is still required to do many Normals to access Heroics due to the Revered reputation threshold for keys. Anything that discourages Normals being run on a private server at this stage is not worth it, especially with a faction imbalance.

Kara attunement is just a small questline and a few of the most popular normals. It functions as a basic check to tne earliest endgame content.

It is the endgame attunement with by far the least onerous requirements while ensuring everyone gets a taste of the absolute basics.

Edited by umarmung
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On 9/27/2023 at 9:56 PM, Matick said:

Honestly if it were up to me I would also fast forward the change to allow heroics to be entered at honored as well.

These only add conveniences for alts.

+1, Totally agree with this, if you're playing only one character it's fine like it is right now, if you're playing more than one (probably the majority of players), it's a pain to do normal dungeon grind (boring) and/or reputation grind, and all attunement again ...

Or give us a feature allowing us to share our dungeon access/attunement across our characters/accounts

Edited by Ombridride
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Removing the Kara and T5/T6 attunement and/or the reputation for heroics would be short-sighted and therefore a mistake.


Other servers did this and guess what?

At some point T4 and T5 raids were basically dead. Why doing them? T6 and Zul Aman once a week was enough for most of the players at some point. No one did heroics because no one needed the badges anymore anyway...and not long after that the server died, too. New players weren't able to do jackshit and went away. Seen it happen so many times...


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On 10/9/2023 at 5:44 PM, Wolfenstein said:

I'm not entirely convinced the Karazhan attunement is a problem, and I'm also not convinced removing it wouldn't backfire like people in this thread have already mentioned.

Isn't it an issue to redo the full attunement to karazhan for all of our characters ?

I have 3 character right now - and plan to have 5 at the end - meaning I will have to do 5 times the attunement... I know wow TBC is done like that and doesn't respect the player playtime...

But we can do better in 2023+... Simple example, you implement dualspec, which save us time, money, and allow flexibility in our favorite game (+ the spell binding is saved which is amazing as well). This is kind of the same mindset here, respecting our playtime instead of grinding for weeks/months normal (=boring) dungeons in loop forever because we have more than one character

Another solution cna be to allow us to share our dungeon access/attunement across our characters/accounts

(PS : come on guys, be honest, Kara is pretty easy, it's the first TBC 10-man raid, even the TBC patchs after - 2.4.3 - removed it at some point)

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Is don't know what the big fuss is about?!

So you can level 5 Characters (even with grinding it takes up some time and is even more so boring/repelling), equip them, grind Reputation and so on...but you draw the line at some silly attunement that only requires for you to do a handful quests around Karazhan and a few dungeons (not even the whole dungeon).


Come on, mate. Get real.

It's not a hassle, you simply wanna get 70 and then immediately get carried by your guild in Kara.

Or something like that.


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On 10/12/2023 at 12:17 PM, Azzoax said:

Is don't know what the big fuss is about?!

So you can level 5 Characters (even with grinding it takes up some time and is even more so boring/repelling), equip them, grind Reputation and so on...but you draw the line at some silly attunement that only requires for you to do a handful quests around Karazhan and a few dungeons (not even the whole dungeon).


Come on, mate. Get real.

It's not a hassle, you simply wanna get 70 and then immediately get carried by your guild in Kara.

Or something like that.


I doubt someone from a realm first guild would care about Kara boosting. Especially if he has access to many T6 geared characters, while 98% of the server is T5 and under.


I have mixed feelings about Kara attunement. As it is the only attunement required in the server to enter a raid I still don't believe it is an obstacle for new players. Attunement alone kinda sets the character to be somewhat prepared for higher tier raids. 

To repeat my previous statement's idea - if you have an *alt* and you're in T5 or T6 the attunement doesn't stand in the way for a boost from the guild. 


I'd suggest it to be removed when new BoJ Vendor is implemented during ZA solely due to being able to buy T6-ish gear from doing dungeons. It'd be redundant to grind T4 when you're more than ready for T5 and BT/MH with a mix of HC+BoJ. Also taking in account of T6 nerfs. 


We don't want to potentially start illegally selling T4 accounts 🙂

Edited by BroBeard
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Kara attunement is worth to keep. it feels rewarding to do and is not that hard. It also is a good check if your char is ready or not...imo.

But, i would suggest to only have the need to do it once with a character...(or if the server will remove it, to add a title or something) this would reward player who still made the Questline. 🙂 

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  • 2 months later...

Okay, so can we also add in Kara attunement removal NOW from Jan 10? 🙂 I'm perfectly fine with you guys it was maybe too soon in October..
But with Guilds progressing T5 now it is harder day-by-day for "us" who don't really have the time to play to get at least a 'pre-raid gear' 
As it is harder day-by-day to go to Normal instances since everybody doing Kara and Heroics at minimum.. or T5 progress and so on..
So in my opinion now it could be a nice thing to have the Kara attunement removal, like for new-joiners to be able to 'catch-up' a bit 🙂 

I think there are many of us on this server who don't really have the time/energy to go through these long questlines, and just want raiding once or twice a week, just for fun.
Also, these people (like me), know all the tactics for Kara, and already done the Attunement process and stuff 10+ years ago, but don't have the activity and online hours to get a Guild who is doing 25man raids after Kara, so our best shot would be Kara to get a bit geared to be able to go to 25man PUGs.

Also I think these are the same people who helps you financially maintain the server's operation the most, with stormforge essence, xp boost, etc. services, because they are just really don't have time for this, but wants to have some nostalgic fun from their childhood, play 4-8 hours a week, and pays a small amount of money to be able to do it.

Personally, for me, it would be perfectly fine as well, if I can buy the Keys for stormforge essence, since I am the one who wants to save time and energy.. 🙂 

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Personally, I am sad to see all the attunements and everything going away.  It feels like you have actually achieved something and earned a spot in the raid group.  The attunements are not all that long or difficult.  I also feel a little cheated when they remove an attunement because I put in the effort to get it and then they just start letting everyone in and my key is useless.  Taking away attunement also takes away the feeling of accomplishment for those who earned it.  I do like the idea of a special title or something as a reward for doing the attunements.  Taking the time to do those attunements also shows the raid leader that you are willing to put in even just a little bit of effort to be there. No raid leader wants the guy who hits raid level then shows up in his greens with no elixirs/flasks/enchants.  If it is a T5/6 guild running alts for fun in T4 just to give them some easy gear, bring on the newbs in greens, but if it is a T4 guild trying to progress through the content then bring your A-game.  When I hear people complain about attunements and wanting to make things easier, the image I get in my head is the guy who shows up and expects a free carry bumming flasks because he was too lazy to do the attunement so he is too lazy to farm for the other things he needs too.  I've heard people complain that no one is doing the dungeons either to get the attunements done which suggests to me that they are lacking in gear because they aren't farming dungeons so no drops from dungeons and no BoJ gear.  I get it that if no one is running the dungeons you can't really be expected to run them, but that still does mean that you are lacking in gear and if you can't get a couple people to help you do a 5-man then how are you going to get a 10-man?

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique, PyooPyoo, Lesdyxic

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

Did I just get ninja'd?...probably not...

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Actually, I hear you, really 🙂 of course it has its up and down sides as well, and as you mentioned, the Title for attunements I think is a good idea too 🙂 
also, its not that far from blizzlike or classic, to remove these attunements, since they have done it too, when the thing happened we are talking about..

the thing is that - and I don't want to disrespect you or your attunements 🙂 - but the thing is, it was easier before, when everyone is doing these quests
and everyone is doing these attunements.. because now its like.. you can't get a progressing Guild, because you don't have gear.. you don't have gear..
because you can't go to Kara.. you can't go to Kara, because no-one doing Normal dungeons for Attunements anymore (same thing with Heroics as well)
I know how it sounds from your side 🙂 and I don't want to be a cry-baby, but I think I'm not the only one here with my problem, and its an annoying thing
I'm fully a PVE guy, and the time I spent in WoW doing these we are talking about (on classic or other servers) could be counted in days and not hours 😄 
and now, on a private server, where we have the opportunity to ask, I'm just asking to be able to play the end-game content I love so much, its not lazyness
not at all.. and I think there are many of us like me.. fully PVE, but playing BGs and stuff to get "some" gear or something which gets us through "this period"
also about Guilds.. yeah I know a good Guild can help you the most, since its MMORPG, but also there are many LFG raids & PUGs, so what I want to say is..
as a Raid Leader of your Guild, you will not see me showing up at Kara in greens 😄 at max we can see each other in a Random Gruul or something LFG-raid
like, with a random raid, yeah, it happens, that we kill 11/4 in Kara, then wipe, and the raid dies, and we go sleeping, but we had fun until that 😄 thats it I think
but maybe we will be able to get some epics, and will not bother you and your Guild with our Gladiator gear to "please invite us, and help us with Attunement"
as we will be able to play "lonely" a bit, and get a bit geared and so on, and when we have time and proper gear, we can search for (your:) progressing Guilds
I don't know if it is more understandable now for you or not 🙂 but I hope we can at least agree to disagree 😄 because its just a game to have some fun 🙂 
also I still think that from a "new-joiner" perspective, when you mostly a "lone-wolf" and don't have real time to play, it would be good to "catch-up" a bit 🙂 

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I could see a point to how you might find a PUG Kara and not be able to find attunement groups. I know blizz did it first, butI didn't like it then either. I get that it is not always a case of laziness, but so many times it is. As is usually the case, there is not a perfect right or wrong here. I can see the argument for and against attunements and both sides make good points. Me personally, I don't raid hardcore anymore so I am with you on scraping together gear.

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MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique, PyooPyoo, Lesdyxic

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

Did I just get ninja'd?...probably not...

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