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Realm: Netherwing Please Help!about Pick Pocket Skill Yield on Netherwing Server.

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I am writing to seek your help regarding the Pick Pocket skill in the Netherwing server.

I have been playing World of Warcraft for a long time and have recently started playing on the Netherwing server. I have noticed that the Pick Pocket skill does not yield as much profit as it did in the classic version of the game. In the classic version, I used to steal from level 8-10 Riverpaw Gnolls and earn several dozen copper coins per pickpocket. However, on this server, I only receive a few copper coins per pickpocket. I am curious to know if the Pick Pocket skill has been nerf on netherwing server. 

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It is possible that the pickpocket loot table is not accurate, I don't believe this was nerfed on purpose though (keep in mind these servers core was developed well before classic was even a thing, so sometimes things don't come up exactly the same)

However, that would be something to report to the github bug report area if you feel it is inaccurate, so one of the developers can review it>


Edited by Matick
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