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Burning Crusade Bugs category under Home->Official

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Perhaps a Bugs category could be useful for people to quickly report a bug without needing to have or create a Github account. As usual, posts would require the server label or a separate server folder.

A sticky locked thread with big letters or entry message with big, bold letters for the official bugtracker on Github would increase its visibility and awareness of it in general too.

To those who do actually post bugs, we could point to that section to show there is no excuse now for those that refuse to Github post.

Edited by umarmung
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At the minimum I suggest a new github page with the next fresh.

Looking through the old bug reports from 3-4 years ago on the previous two servers before this one - yeah there are some outstanding issues, but most of them are pretty minor. The other issues outstanding are duplicates or ones that are mostly solved that just were never closed. It's a bit of a mess.

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