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Mists of Pandaria Racial swap feature for MOP

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has there been any discussions whether to implement racial swap feature from netherwing TBC server to fresh MOP? it's such a good QoL feature that will outweight being funneled into a specific race 🙂



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It's been discussed and I believe the devs were looking into the technical challenges of adding it to MoP recently, since things work a bit differently over there. Nothing concrete yet but I'm sure there'll be a clear answer well before launch so people can make up their minds on what to play.

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There are technical issues with racial swap on mop on a lower level (worgen forms for instance) which makes this not really viable to be implemented.

Cross faction guilds also have technical issues that break the achievements since some are faction specific 

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  On 10/19/2023 at 4:59 PM, Query said:

There are technical issues with racial swap on mop on a lower level (worgen forms for instance) which makes this not really viable to be implemented.

Cross faction guilds also have technical issues that break the achievements since some are faction specific 


How is it that a certain Cata server is able to do both these things? I have a Worgen (model) DK with Orc racials there. The only thing that doesn't swap with Worgen is Two Forms and Running Wild.

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Yes, and that is the problem. If you implement racials "nicely", Worgen (and to a lesser extent, Goblin) do not play nice. It's just a lot of unnecessary fucking around with edge cases and exceptions. EVERY single bit of crap code can be written in theory, but if it ends up being a steaming hot pile of garbage, then it's just not worth it for "shiny custom shit that every crappy wotlk server tries to pass off as its own wonderful new invention".

DKs are also a unique case FWIW, since they don't receive their fucking racials as a quest reward.

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Having the racial shift NPC in the capitals, only useable by max level characters. And then disabling/auto abandoning those problematic quests for max level characters (if they somehow managed to get out of the starting areas without doing them) wouldn't be a perfect fix, but would eliminate all but extreme edge cases wouldn't it?

Just throwing out ideas. Since personally i'd really love both cross faction guilds and the racial swap. Hardest boss is the roster boss, and both of those features help with that.

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I can't speak for the technical aspect, but as a player since forever - the racial swap feature is probably one of, if not THE best feature we've had the luxury to play with. If ya'll find a way to implement it, then god bless you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


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  On 10/19/2023 at 8:34 PM, Aithne said:

...Why not just use tmorph though.


I mean you can apply the same question to tbc server - it's cuz the racials are bonkers and people are attracted to whatever performs best even if faction balance is fucked because of it. It's been like this since forever and this is the best way to deal with it 🤷🤷 I can go horde and tmorph if you want, but that won't help the imbalance not just in ratio 40/60 but in the players mindset. PvE players will dominate the horde scene and ally will get the retirement home players 🗿🗿🦆🦆

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"Faction balance" is not the mythical source of "all the grievances a server has". It only matters as much as people complain about disliking unequal numbers, but with complete crossfaction, has little impact on anything gameplay-related.

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  On 10/20/2023 at 1:02 PM, Aithne said:

"Faction balance" is not the mythical source of "all the grievances a server has". It only matters as much as people complain about disliking unequal numbers, but with complete crossfaction, has little impact on anything gameplay-related.


If you say complete crossfaction. Does it mean we'll have xfaction arenas for mb2?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/20/2023 at 1:02 PM, Aithne said:

"Faction balance" is not the mythical source of "all the grievances a server has". It only matters as much as people complain about disliking unequal numbers, but with complete crossfaction, has little impact on anything gameplay-related.


Agreed, people keep complaining about "faction balance" even though it only really affects world PvP which for the most part is not a thing in MoP anyway.

When it comes to racial swap it's quite useful cause Blizzard always fucked up when it comes to balancing racials in both PvP and PvE so if one is serious about playing PvP then that person will always pick human for example but if (s)he likes raiding as well then it can be a problem finding a good guild on Alliance side.

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