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Mists of Pandaria 3 cheater using Dungeon bots

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Hello guys,

Yesterday me(Creature) and my friend(Unfair) were doing low lvl dungeons late at night, we came across these 3 bots, at first we started to talk about how weird they play and thought they might be bots, we even asked them if they are bots but not a single word through out the all dungeon, they were copying our movements, if we walked back they did the same if we wait they would wait, if we attack they also attacked, as a test we tried waiting like 5 min in the middle of dungeon see if they react but they just stood there with us and didnt say a single word. as soon as we do something they also did the same. at some point i think all 3 of them got stucked or bugged and i started to record. It was even funny at somepoint. please watch the video and do something about these bots they ruin the game for all of us, and its not even 1 bot its 3... Guy using the bots probably leveling multiple characters at the same time. thank you all.

Cheaters Names:

- Elpadrone

- Mijasab

- Enyelpapuh



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