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GMs will not intervene in RDF (random dungeon finder) instances for "ninja looting".  The low item level gear from dungeons is too easy to replace to make it worth the effort to mediate such disputes.  There simply aren't enough GMs to mediate all the disputes and the volume of requests with illegitimate claims would be astronomical if they made any exceptions to the rule and did intervene for anyone.  There is a strict policy of no interference in these matters.  You do have the option to ignore and not run with that person in the future and to tell anyone you like that they should do the same, but a GM will not take any action in the matter.

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique, PyooPyoo, Lesdyxic

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

Did I just get ninja'd?...probably not...

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