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Mists of Pandaria Assistance Installing ElvUI 5.4.8 for Sight Impairment

Go to solution Solved by Hodds,

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What's good you degens...

I'm in desperate need of assistance installing ElvUI for 5.4.8 in hopes of assisting my uncle who is losing his vision.

He has been playing WoW since Vanilla Drop, he wants to play again but Blizzard UI is not friendly to people with sight impairment.

I've been attempting to install it on my own and it is not being recognized as an "Addon" and my addon list remains empty... the addon button won't even pop up for some reason.... I've installed other addons to WoW before but that was preCata/MoP.... also never installed / used ElvUI before... so there's that.... : /

I'm thowing a hail mary on this one but I know there is a lot of knowledge in this community.

We appreciate you<3

A Family of Lifelong WoWHeadz

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Hope I can help.

From memory Elvui comes as an  elvui-master in that folder is elvui and elvui-optionsUI which are the real "addons". If you were to install the -master file into the addons folder that might be why it is not working.


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6 hours ago, Hodds said:

Hope I can help.

From memory Elvui comes as an  elvui-master in that folder is elvui and elvui-optionsUI which are the real "addons". If you were to install the -master file into the addons folder that might be why it is not working.


@Hodds you are a lifesaver! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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