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Mists of Pandaria Worgen Starting zone "Endgame" quest do not appear

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Hello everyone, I started playing on Stormforge, played a little of the public test, and then went to play on Sheilun as a Worgen. In public test it went all fine...While in Sheilun "The Battle for Gilneas City" not working because Gorerot didnt appear, so I had to go back and skip it....But then I could continue.

But now after playing and completing all quests up to "They Have Allies, But So Do We", because once it was completed....Lorna didnt gave any option to be talked about, so I could start the quest "Endgame"! She doesnt give a yellow exclamation mark, only a gray one, and she doesnt react, so I cant start the quest...

Any way to fix this, reset quest, or skip the Worgen starting questline?


Edited by Pinzón79
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