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Mists of Pandaria WoD Models [HD Models] for MOP

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Download WoD_Models_for_MoP.rar [3.0 GB]

Download the executables

After copying the pack's files into the game directory, launching the game with the right .exe, then you will be able play with the new models from Warlord of Draenor. Important! It will only work, if your game is fully downloaded.
(Despite that in WoD, the different faces comes with different models, here, just as it is in pre-WoD, there are only one face model, and every other face texture will be placed on it.)

Content - WoD_Models_for_MoP.rar [3.0 GB], WoD_Model_MoP_exe.rar

  •   Data/enUS/wow-update-enUS-18274.mpq
  •   Data/enUS/wow-update-enUS-18275.mpq
  •   Data/enUS/wow-update-enUS-18276.mpq
  •   Wow-32(UpdatedModels).exe
  •   Wow-64(UpdatedModels).exe

    How to install:
    1. Upack the WoD_Models_for_Mop.rar.
    2. Copy the files to the game directory. If you are using the Tauri Launcher, then to .../Tauri Launcher/MoP/
    (!)If you do not use the Tauri Launcher, and downloaded the game from other source, it can happen, your game is enGB, and not enUS.
    You can get to know it, if you go to your game directory, and then open the data directory, and there will be an enUS, or enGB, ruRU, esES, etc.

    If enUS, then you are good to go, else before copying the files, you gotta rename some of them.
    If you got enGB, first you have to rename the enUS to enGB within the Data, and then you have to replace the enUS to enGB in the .mpq file names.
    If the original file is Data/enUS/wow-update-enUS-18274.mpq, then the new file must be: Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-18274.mpq .

    if you got all this, then all you have to do is to copy the files into the game folder.

    Before running the game, delete the Cache directory in the game directory.
    If you launch with the Wow-32(UpdatedModels).exe or the Wow-64(UpdatedModels).exe the new models will be playable. Or if you use the original .exes, or the Tauri Launcher, then you will be able to play with the old ones.

    If you keep clearing your Cache directory, between switching to the new model from the old models, and vica versa, you are good. After I switched back from the new models, to the old ones, and I played for a while, and then exited, it took a bit longer than ususal, had resulted in an error (Own experience). If you clear the cache, you won't have any trouble. I did not have any.

    If you found an error, let me know. I most likely won't notice any of them, as I am stickying with the good ol' ones.

    If you have any issues make sure to join our discord : https://discord.gg/h83vQEJQPB  our staff can assist you as soon as possible!


Edited by Lotur
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