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Mists of Pandaria I`ve got a problem with social settings

Go to solution Solved by Aithne,

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Sadly, the censorship setting needs to be changed serverside in later expansions, but it's not getting saved serverside. We are aware, but implementing the system required to save that one setting is a disproportionate amount of work for how minor this is, sadly.

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3 hours ago, Aithne said:

Sadly, the censorship setting needs to be changed serverside in later expansions, but it's not getting saved serverside. We are aware, but implementing the system required to save that one setting is a disproportionate amount of work for how minor this is, sadly.

Thanks for the answer. Just wondering, is there any solution, like an addon?

Edited by lackofsleep
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I think you should be able to modify some sort of simple addon like the Actionbar Gryphon Remover to run SetCVar on the profanity filter instead, if the LUA call still exists for that, but I'm not aware of any "already-made" addons doing this (as it's not necessary to have such an addon on practically any other server). You can ask in the #addons-mop channel on Discord to see if anyone knows their way around the LUA api.

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  • 2 weeks later...
local f = CreateFrame("frame", nil, UIParent)

f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
SetCVar("profanityFilter", 0)


I believe this would work, though I haven't tested it.

MB1 Horde: <I C U N V N Me>
CowMonster, VelcroGloves, ZugZugThug, Lesdyxia, LaxKills, ICritMyKilt, ICritMyCritr, ICritMyPet, ZeroSkills, IsoloedLK, TotemMonkey, Munkfu

MB1 Alliance:

Netherwing Alliance:
FuzeeWuzee, VelcroGloves, SumBeech, Anullfisher, ICritMyKilt, ZeroSkills, Diabolique

Bug Report: Netherwing or Mistblade

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