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General Two-Factor Authentification problem

Go to solution Solved by Skellan,

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Several days ago i lost my phone with Google Authentificator app installed in it, on which i used temporary code (which was not bind to any of the google accounts) to log in the Netherwing account. The story ended almost positive, i managed to retrieve the phone back, but it was severely damaged and was beyond repair - so i had to buy new one and made restoration process through back up copy. Here is the problem:

When i installed back Google Authentificator app, there was no any connected codes to it. I can't also disable Two-Factor Authentication by myself through account on Stormforge, because in order to disable this active security thing, you should also enter temporary code, which i don't have an access to!

So currently i am unable to log to my Char. As i explained in the beginning, temporary code is not bind to any of the Google accounts, so logging to them doesn't help, the code won't appear. Is it possible to disable this Two-Factor Authentication by force from the side of the Administration? Unfortunately, i don't see any options left.

Maybe someone also experienced the same problem/problem alike?

Please help.

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