But its not fun. And where all these sound like good suggestions, doesn't mean its going to happen. I think world peace and feeding the hungry and eliminating racism are all good ideas too, but just saying "just stop hating others" or "just feed people" or "All races matter" will never solve anything. Real action needs to be taken, not just words that sound good. There is an obvious problem here, and I feel like its being ignored by the dev team.
This appears to be the only way to win a BG right now. Too bad its only a one way trip for free. For this to be a viable solution, the faction change needs to be free both ways.
I have already faction changed once with my warlock. spent about a week to get one gear item as horde, got fed up with it and faction changed to alliance and got almost an entire pvp set in 6 days. I then needed to faction change back to horde again costing RMT. So sorry Aithne all you said about practice, improve your skills, bring friends with you, none of that mattered, none of that was a solution to the problem. The fix was to faction change then spend RMT to change back.