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Everything posted by tip101

  1. I'm going to assume you play as Alliance. I say this because on my alliance character I do exactly what you described when I come across a bad group and it does work. But this is not the case when playing Horde side. I can skip queues till I'm blue in the face and it doesn't change a thing. and you are correct about hours not a factor, I've played in all times and it's the same story. When I play on Alliance side I give it about at 80-85% chance of the time i can expect to come out with a 3 token win. Giving the same amount of effort I do when I'm on my Horde characters.
  2. So I've been thinking. With how shitty battle grounds are on this server. Why don't the Horde just queue up, not try, Let the Alliance win to get the game over with faster and turn in our single mark for honor. I'm actually thinking it may be more honor per hour than participating. any thoughts?
  3. As someone who has done the whole faction change. I can say this is not as accurate as you may think. yes there are a large amount of Chinese and Russians on horde. but after changing to alliance, i didn't notice that much of a change. the % of non English vs English in BG's felt about the same. As for why more people play as horde vs alliance. This is likely because the horde quest lines are more interesting and follow the original lore of the first RTS WarCraft games. And the alliance quest lines are more focused on developing new story lines. Where its not bad to have new story, but the original lore brings a more nostalgic feeling to the game. And its that nostalgic content tends to attract the older and more mature players. Also the alliance specific quest vs the horde specific quests feels like. Alliance = I'm too young to die (easy) Horde = Hurt me plenty (normal) Yeah you probably right about that. Why do work when its already FUBR. I understand that in the end its all anecdotal, but in my experience, its not an exaggeration. Its true that when I was playing Alliance my win % was probably 70-75% for solo queue, and you can sometimes catch the Horde pre-mades and get a bad 5-10 game loosing streak. Its still nothing compared to being horde side. where if you don't do premade ( and horde premade groups don't invite people who have less than 250 resilience) your looking at a 2-5% win chance for solo queue Here is my warlock after only 6 days of grind BG's on alliance (yes he is BE now because i paid faction changed him back to horde) And here is my Pally after about 3 days of griding battle grounds as Horde. The only pvp gear is the gold purchased gear that requires faction. And the simple lvl 70 pvp trinket Both characters only solo queued, and both characters started the BG grind immediately after dinging leveling 70 and changing talents (for pvp) and buying lvl 70 spells. So yeah. Not an over exaggeration.
  4. I've recently started doing BG's on a new character. Here are my winnings after 4 days 36 losses 0 wins welcome to Horde battlegrounds we hope you find loosing "fun"
  5. But its not fun. And where all these sound like good suggestions, doesn't mean its going to happen. I think world peace and feeding the hungry and eliminating racism are all good ideas too, but just saying "just stop hating others" or "just feed people" or "All races matter" will never solve anything. Real action needs to be taken, not just words that sound good. There is an obvious problem here, and I feel like its being ignored by the dev team. This appears to be the only way to win a BG right now. Too bad its only a one way trip for free. For this to be a viable solution, the faction change needs to be free both ways. I have already faction changed once with my warlock. spent about a week to get one gear item as horde, got fed up with it and faction changed to alliance and got almost an entire pvp set in 6 days. I then needed to faction change back to horde again costing RMT. So sorry Aithne all you said about practice, improve your skills, bring friends with you, none of that mattered, none of that was a solution to the problem. The fix was to faction change then spend RMT to change back.
  6. I know 😞 Wishful thinking. If you are horde, embrace the suck.
  7. For the most part this has been my experience as well as Horde. As the Admin said, i don't think there is any unfairness given to the alliance, and I feel that he/she is 100% correct that they just have better gear. With that said, BG pvp on this realm has been the worst gaming experience I have ever took part in. I just got the last item I wanted to help me in PvE because some of this PvP gear is PreRaid BIS. I equate my experience for the last week in Battlegrounds similar to court issue public service, but without having done any crime. and that Service is to elevate the egos of hard core pvp players on the alliance side. The horde is nothing but a ego farm to the Alliance on this server. I'm glad I'm done with this shit. Please give Horde the option to buy this gear with in-game cash so we don't have to give Alliance fluffer service anymore. And just in case you don't know what that is https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fluffer
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