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  1. Infinite +1 on this would be really amazing! Even without pvp rewards and just to practice/have fun with different comps queing solo. It would help keeping the PvP scene alive even when most people are geared and not so interested in joining anymore.
  2. Ah really? Because I did not really experience this in 3s. Say there were 4 or 5 teams queing, some of them around 1.8k, 1.9k and 1 around 2.1k/2.2k, my team was 2k, we kept finding mostly the same 2.1k team. And queues were instant. Could have been just a case I guess. Or maybe the 2.1/2.2k didn't have other people close enough in rating like us? In another few instances we qued up after a team that was 1800+ and instead found a 1500. Could again be just the case in point but I heard multiple people complaining about the new MM. Thanks for your answer either way
  3. I am aware the issue was that for example teams of 2.2k rating and higher would get really long queues so you introduced a wider possible rating in matchmaking. That's fine. But most of the population don't have that rating, and this ended up affecting teams in between 1.8k and 2k the most. I am sure also you know what the issues are now and the high probability of getting +1+4 and getting matched with a very low team/getting matched with the same high team over and over. Why not adding a time incrementconditional? For example in the first minute of queue (or even 30s) the max rating difference for matchmaking is 50, then it increases by 50/100 every 30s or a minute? And prioritizing perhaps lower ratings than yours up to 200 in the increment? Just an idea Hope it's not redundant, maybe you thought of it already. Cheers
  4. I think a good way to make the 2nd half of S3 more exciting perhaps and have a lot of players come back would be to speed up this process same as you did with healing gear giving spell damage. That will allow more people to craft PvP maces too making the ladder more balanced and introduce more sources for trades and making gold which are not really farmable by bots, therefore benefiting the server economy and population ath the same time.
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