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  1. Yesterday
  2. При смене спека слетают макросы. все макросы имеют как было сказано, уникальные названия. хелп ми плиз.
  3. A friend on Mistblade told me he wasn't able to do the Isle of Thunder Start-up quests for the past couple of days, so I tried to do the Keys to Lei-Shen's palace and am getting the same message as him "Instance Server is currently off-line. please try again later."
  4. It's still honored Close your game and delete the cache folder - just a visual bug on your end.
  5. It's not enough to raise reputation, at each step, although the reputation reward helps, it leaves you missing about 1/4 or 1/3 exp
  6. Doesn't the Black Prince give shittons of rep for just completing the steps of the legendary questchain?
  7. Hello, I'd like to hire a DPS player in the Sheilum Realm, to increase my reputation with the "Black Prince" faction. Job Description: I need to kill multiple mobs simultaneously. Note: Preferably, I'd like a Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Death Knight, Druid (Feral or Guardian), or Mage. However, I'll accept any class that can hit multiple enemies at once. Requirements: *You don't need a minimum item level. *You need to be level 90 (because you'll be attacked by multiple mobs at the same time) *Be able to resist multiple mobs (not necessarily tanking them, for example, leaving them stunned in one place while you kill them) Pay and benefits: *I'll pay 250g for the first 10 minutes *I'll pay 100g for every additional 10 minutes *Your reputation will increase with "The Black Prince" *I'll make 2 free Glyphs for you I look forward to your response, thank you very much.
  8. Hello. What was the reason for the nerf? At first u needed honored. Now its revered. Its massive nerf to new players and is unfair. Make it back to Honored
  9. I purchased yesterday character restore for my 90 pala but i deleted it again. Could you please restore it thank you. Name - Saintmichael Realm - sheilun
  10. Last week
  11. Hello - please post any bug to our github, thank you. https://github.com/Atlantiss/NetherwingBugtracker/issues
  12. The spell Blessing of Sacrifice interrupts all casts for the Paladin if they are targeting an ally. It also cancels mana drinking with Star's Tears, which is critical and should not happen.
  13. Yes, came back after I tested out some addons on 3.3.5a. Yes, all the addons works surprisingly well, even amazing! GJ Admins and Stuff. That's a HUGE milestone ^^ ! Now, we're playing TBC ! 😎😉
  14. No, Netherwing is on first patch and is fresh server, so it's impossible to bring over characters from Outland
  15. We KNOW how it should work. Could someone actually record an attempt on Sheilun?
  16. Yea, i've got the problem too. Cant Defeat the Challenger to be completed. He is friendly always
  17. I have an RTX 3080, but when I try to enable the setting, it says my card isn't compatible. Any advice? Edit: I got it, had to enable DX12, restart the game and the setting was available.
  18. Aaa, ok, I didn't know that, so the new Netherwing is , actually, entirely new. No chance of characters fusion or anything?? I just want to be with my chars in a fairly crowded environment for a healthy WOW game-play. Sorry for not knowing about the change. I had some progress on my chars and got a bit surprised of the changes. If the new standard, involves seasonal servers, then ok, but i don't thing i have that much progress to disturb the market, game balance, or anything. 1500-2000 gold and some items is not that much, I only played casual.
  19. Hello, I just bought 10k gold worth of heirlooms from the guild vendor on my lvl 90 character on realm Mistblade and I didn't find any way how to transfer them to my alts on Sheilun realm. Thanks for help.
  20. Hello, Netherwing was renamed to Outland last month, before our fresh server released which we now call Netherwing. We gave many announcements on this in our discord.
  21. PVE world with PVP battlegrounds and such?
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